Telco ware



NFV MANO Solution implements ETSI standard architecture, NFV MANO (Management and Orchestration) to operate network service equipment in a virtual computing environment that abstracts hardware (computing, network, and storage).

    • Separately manage OS image and software package for VNF Application
    • Backup and reload configuration information of VNF Instance
    • Monitor VNF Instance status and performance

K8s CM

CM(Container Platform Management Solution) is an operation management solution that runs on container platform, K8s(Kubernetes). It monitors container platform, manages configuration of the platform, and manages CNF application(CNF package/Lifecycle/Healing/Resource authority).

    • Manage container platform environment/configuration
    • Monitor container platform
    • Provide a centralized operation management portal

Cloud-Native CSCF

We serve Cloud-Native CSCF system to client which maximizes system stability and operational convenience, in which CSCF system is improved with Micro Service Architecture structure and implemented on K8S platform to be evolved into cloud-based system.

    • Metric based Independent Component Scale
    • Fault Isolation & Auto Recovery
    • Zero Touch Provisioning/Operation
    • Unify Config Management
    • Micro Services Architecture based stability
    • Maximize resource efficiency compared to PNF/VNF
    • No HW Dependency
    • Cloud based Rapid Deployment